Privacy Statement

Museums of History NSW (MHNSW) is committed to protecting your privacy while interacting with our website and using our online services.

About this Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement provides an overview of how we handle your personal information in line with our obligations under the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act).

Privacy Management Plan

MHNSW’s Privacy Management Plan provides more detail about how we meet our privacy obligations and uphold and respect the privacy of our customers, employees and others about whom we hold personal and health information.

Data Breach Policy

MHNSW’s Data Breach Policy outlines how we meet our obligations in managing events in relation to an eligible data breach of personal or health information under the NSW Mandatory Notification of Data Breach (MNDB) scheme.

1. Collection and use of information

1.1 Automatic logging of information

When you visit our website our server automatically makes an anonymous record of your visit. The various mechanisms used include server logs, proxy logs and cookies.

The cookies used by our website do not collect any personal information and we do not combine information collected through cookies with other personal information. You can choose to disallow cookies by changing the settings on your web browser. However, if you reject all cookies some parts of our website may be inaccessible, unusable or behave strangely.

The information collected by these mechanisms includes:

  • user’s server address and top-level domain name
  • date and time of visit to the site
  • pages viewed and documents downloaded by the user
  • time spent on the site
  • sites previously visited
  • type of browser used
  • country of origin of the user.

MHNSW uses the data collected for business purposes such as diagnosing a fault and improving our services. The data is not accessible except to authorised staff from the Information Communications & Technology (ICT) or Digital teams for these purposes. We will not attempt to identify users or their browsing activities unless called upon to do so by a law enforcement agency with an active warrant.

1.2 Collection and use of personal information

MHNSW collects personal information when you provide it to receive specific services. The information will be used only for its intended purpose, or directly related purpose, as stated on the pages or forms you submit. Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose without your consent.

Personal information (name, contact information and address) will normally be entered into our database, which is a customer relationship management system and is shared by us and other Australian arts and culture organisations (Organisations) for the purpose of ticketing and customer relationship management. Because the database is shared, the Organisations are able to view your name and contact details (for example, address, email and phone numbers). The Organisations are not permitted to use the information they can access in the database for their own marketing purposes (unless you have a separate relationship with the Organisation that permits them to do so). Other information you provide to us that is not mentioned above is not accessible by the Organisations.

Storing this information in our database allows us to process your current and future transactions as effectively as possible without asking you to provide the same information repeatedly, and helps ensure the speed and efficiency of any of your dealings with the Organisations.

The Organisations currently sharing this system are Australian Chamber Orchestra, Australian Museum Trust, Bell Shakespeare, Sydney Opera House, Opera Australia, Pinchgut Opera, Sydney Philharmonia and Sydney Piano Competition.

The information collected includes:

  • When you subscribe to an MHNSW list, become a member or make an online donation

When you sign up to an MHNSW list, become a member or make a donation to MHNSW, your personal information is collected in order to send you information about MHNSW events, programs, exhibitions and special offers. You can only be added to MHNSW lists, such as eNews, at your request or if you give us permission to do so. In sending email newsletters, MHNSW complies with the Australian Government's Spam Act 2003. By signing up for an email newsletter you are explicitly giving consent to receive that newsletter. All bulk emails have an unsubscribe feature.

  • When you enter a competition

When you enter an MHNSW competition we collect information such as your name and contact details. Examples of competitions include an architecture design competition or a visitor survey incentive related to an MHNSW site, program or exhibition. Recording your name and contact details is necessary so that we can contact you in relation to your competition entry or prize. You may be asked to indicate if you wish to join our eNews list. You may also choose to provide information such as your age range, your interests and how you heard about or travelled to the MHNSW site, program or exhibition.

This information is used anonymously for statistical purposes. If you have indicated that you do not wish to join our eNews list, your personal information will be deleted from MHNSW databases after the statistics have been compiled. If you have nominated that you wish to be added to our databases, we will create a record for you that includes your contact details and other relevant information you provided in entering the competition. This helps us to tailor products and services to your preferences.

  • When you make a payment online

When you book tickets for an event, make an online purchase, make a donation or become a member through the website we will record your payment method in addition to your contact details in order to process the payment and send you your tickets, purchased item or membership pack. MHNSW’s ecommerce website uses SSL encryption technology to protect your credit card details from unauthorised use. This ensures that your credit card details are seen only by yourself, Windcave payment gateway, E-way payment gateway and our bank receiving the transaction. Credit card information is never recorded on the web server or elsewhere at MHNSW. The only information that may be recorded by us is the last four (4) digits of your credit card number and a transaction confirmation number, which you see in the confirmation screen and email.

  • When you connect to MHNSW wi-fi

In order to connect to an MHNSW wi-fi connection at one of our properties you will be required to provide your email address. MHNSW will also automatically collect the MAC (media access control) address that identifies your device in order to enable the connection.

2. Storage and security of personal information

MHNSW takes all reasonable steps to protect the security of your personal information. Personal information collected by MHNSW through our website is stored in an appropriately secure format. Personal information may also be stored securely by third-party service providers such as cloud operators. Third-party service providers that store MHNSW information may not use that information in any way.

Where you can access an MHNSW website or portal by using the secure login issued to you (for example, members) the information about you that is held, or that you add or amend, on that website is protected by restricting access through that login. Accordingly, you must ensure that your password is not disclosed or made available to others.

3. Disclosure

MHNSW may be required to disclose your personal information to third parties to provide the service you requested. For example, in ordering tickets for events online, we will need to disclose personal information to third parties in order to bill and deliver your tickets. This disclosure, however, will only be made to fulfil the purpose for which you disclosed your personal information. We will not disclose your personal information for any other purpose except with your consent or where required or authorised by law. Under no circumstances will MHNSW sell or receive payment for licensing or disclosing your personal information.

4. External links

This site contains links to other sites. MHNSW is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

5. Access and correction

The personal information you provide is accessed only by authorised persons.

MHNSW will take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. Should you wish to access or amend your personal information, please see MHNSW’s Privacy Management Plan for further information or contact our Governance team.

If you wish to opt out of receiving any communications or be removed from any databases, please click the unsubscribe option at the footer of eNews emails, or contact the person listed on the relevant feature page or our Governance team.

Contact details:

Governance team
Museums of History NSW
The Mint
10 Macquarie Street
Sydney, NSW, 2000

Further information on NSW privacy laws can be found on the Information and Privacy Commission’s website.

Access to government information

Find out more about access to government information held by MHNSW.